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Almond Milk: Healthy, Vegan, AND Tasty?

I've been wanting to try almond milk for a while because I've heard it was good and super healthy. I finally found a good coupon in the paper and decided to buy some to try. I've had soy milk before and that was pretty good, but sort of gritty as you drink it. I bought the original and dark chocolate flavors of almond milk.

My Silk Pure Almond Milk! Original and Dark Chocolate Flavors.

When I took the first sip of the original almond milk, I couldn't believe how good it was! It's very smooth and tastes exactly like drinking liquid almonds! If you don't like almonds, the flavor is definitely overwhelming and you probably would not like almond milk. The dark chocolate flavor was my favorite and I could definitely see replacing regular dairy chocolate milk in my diet with the dark chocolate almond milk.

Close-up of the almond milk cartons.

I began researching into the health benefits of almond milk and found some interesting and promising information. Almond milk has more nutrients than dairy milk and even other alternatives like rice milk and it can easily be substituted for dairy milk in your diet. Whenever I eat chocolate, I prefer dark chocolate, so it makes sense that I loved the dark chocolate flavor so much. However, there are extra antioxidants in this flavor, too, because of the dark chocolate cocoa - an added bonus! Almond milk can even replace dairy milk in most recipes. I can't wait to try baking sweets and cooking with almond milk!

Nutritional Information on the carton.

There's a lot less fat in almond milk than in cow's milk. Here is a scary fact that I found on one site - "Cow’s milk becomes allergic and toxic because cows are injected with growth hormones and antibiotics which can also cause certain types of cancer." ( Cows are pretty much born today and injected with antibiotics and hormones immediately. I even read somewhere that there is a connection between breast cancer and dairy products - one professor claims Chinese women do not use dairy products and, as a result, are rarely diagnosed with breast cancer. I found one website that actually shows you, with pictures, how to make your own almond milk at home from scratch: The process looks pretty easy, so I guess I will have to try it sometime and let you know how it goes. Almond milk is packed with nutrients including fiber, protein, and iron, just to name a few. The antioxidants in the almond milk are definitely a plus, too! Since there is no saturated fat, there's pretty much a consensus out there that drinking almond milk will help you lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

My research shows that almond milk is a very healthy alternative to regular cow's milk. There were really no negative reviews that I came across. I strongly feel that it has to be better for you than regular cow's milk. Well, I better finish up my glass of Original Almond Milk that I'm enjoying over here, so I'll leave you with that thought.

- Ashley


  1. Lauren BrzuszkiewiczOctober 19, 2010 at 10:12 PM

    Okay so after I read this I googled Almond Milk versus Soy Milk. I drink soy milk almost everyday because cow's milk makes me sick. I guess I was not well informed because a lot of websites say excessive soy can cause breast cancer in some women. I know there is a slim chance of that since I don't drink in excessively, but still. I am liking the idea of switching to Almond milk. You're right, found nothing negative about it!

  2. Lauren,

    I read that about soy milk and breast cancer, too! I honestly think you might like the almond milk better than the soy milk. It's very smooth and really good! I definitely want to know if you try it. The dark chocolate is FABULOUS! : )


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